Sunday, August 27, 2017

Boxing sucks!

        I'm sure there is going to be some hate just because of the title but I’ll stand by it. I have tried many times over the last 10 years to watch Boxing but it doesn't hold my attention. We bought the fight last night (Aug 27 2017) at my home and had friends over to watch the PPV big fight of Mayweather vs McGregor. That fight didn't disappoint it was entertaining and kept you on the edge of your seat however the other 3 fights on the main card were snooze worthy. There was little to no action in those three fights and I one point I looked around and everyone was falling asleep. I feel that if you’re going to try to keep the sport of Boxing alive and profitable you need more marketable fighters not some guys no one has ever heard of. The UFC brand will often times put three Championship fights on the same card with the main fight being the big one everyone is waiting for but the others are entertaining at least. Everyone knows Floyd (Money) Mayweather, Alvarez but who else does Boxing have currently with the name to draw a big money fight? The UFC has their stars competing at every event and expecting a finish because no one wants to leave it to the judges unlike Boxing which is a 10 round lay on each other fight. So with that being said I'll finish with Boxing is terrible right now as a whole and the UFC has a better product currently.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

What is a Legend?

What is a Legend?

    A Legend defined by the memory you leave on the people who watched and looked up to you. Everyone should strive to be a legend before the end of their life and we all have the ability to reach that goal if we want to. We all may not be Athletes, movie star's, or remotely famous but we still have the potential to make an impact on the world. What is my impact on the world I'm just one person on a planet of 7.5 Billon! I’ll tell you where my impact will be, where my legacy will grow.

    Most of you are like me we live the daily grind, we are up before daylight working a full time job all day just to come home in time to eat dinner get the kids in bed and start over. My family is complete my wife and I are raising a house full of loud destructive boys and I love every min of it “the next day not so much at the time it’s happening”. I have 3 boys oldest is 7 next is almost 3 and youngest is 1 so it’s a little stressfully at times with them. My mornings start everyday with waking the 7 year old up early enough he can fulfill his addiction of Minecraft, to waking up the 3 year old by bribing him with a morning snack before breakfast. I take the 7 year old to his grandparents so he can go to school and drop the other 2 off at daycare where strangers teach my kids 9 hours a day.

    If we never spend the time with our kids to teach them our values they will take on the values of someone that u may not agree with. I always know that after a long day of working when I get home I will be greeted with wide eyes and smiles every time. These kids are my inspiration to grow my legend to continue my Legacy long after I’m gone. They make me want to be a better person to push a little harder and to laugh a little more. Often we take our kids and family for granted knowing they will always be there but that’s not true the world is flawed. Death will take everyone at some point but how you lived the time you have will determine you legacy. So I challenge you today instead of going home and chilling on Netflix talk to you kids find out if there is something they want to do and spend time watching them for a little while they will hold that memory forever. They are the future leaders of your country the carriers of your name the holders of your legacy become the Legend your family can be proud of.

Legend of Beltre

Congrats to Adrian Beltre for joining the 3000 Hit club in MLB and now stands next to 30 other players all time. Throughout the history of Baseball there have been players that made the game better that took it to a new level and that's what Beltre has done. He joined an elite group of Hitters but the only thing missing is a World Series championship. He's a great Teammate, leader, defensive third baseman, and hitter and probably the most important to him is a great Father. Beltre established himself as a one of the best hitters of all time something that only 30 other players can say, his legacy is set everything that he does from this point only grow’s the Legend of Beltre